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Honors & Qualifications

  • NO.1

    Social Honor

    Quality-oriented Pillar Enterprise of Shenzhen
    Well-known Brand of Shenzhen
  • NO.2

    Project Honor

    Innovative Achievement Prize, 2015
    Luban Prize, 2015
  • NO.3

    Design Honor

    "Nest Award": Decorative Design of Huawei Software Center
    "Nest Award": Grand Sky Light Hotel, Ganzhou
  • NO.4

    Enterprise Qualification

    Design, Construction and Maintenance of Security Technology Protection System, Grade I
    Design, Construction and Maintenance of Security Technology Protection System, Grade I

yobo体育全站:Enterprise brief introduction

GuangTian shares Was founded in 1995, is a building decoration design and construction of the green building materials research and development and production as the main body of the professional, comprehensive public group enterprise (stock code: 002482), is the industry most complete variety of qualifications, the highest leader, ranked first in south China region.
China's top 500 enterprisesStock code 002482
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