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In the field of large venues wide field combining regional culture and display function the project has won various honors such as at the same time by the government and the society from all walks of lifes consistent high praise
In the field of star hotel, wide field with several international hotel management group, in-depth cooperation in the field of high-end international hotel, a boutique, across the country have created more than 200 star-rated hotels.
In the field of commercial complex, this kind of architectural form at the beginning of the rise of Chinas wide field began to enter the field, over the years accumulated a wealth of experience.Create a new landmark in more than 80 cities in China set up the business.
In the field of office center, wide field with high honor design concept, detailed specification of the construction work, make a lot of high-quality goods project.
China's top 500 enterprisesStock code 002482
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